Writing itself has been fun for me since I found out how great it can be! There are almost no topics I would avoid, although I certainly fit only specific fields, as probably everyone. But being active on both blogosphere and regular media gives me an outstanding opportunity to gain as much as possible from different topics.
I have a long-term experience in creating texts for various websites, e-shops, writing marketing texts, creating slogans or preparing technical documents such as user guides in Czech and English languages.
Product User Guides
I can prepare user guides for both tangible and intangible products. My experience includes software user guides and several different products from the entertaining area – namely gadgets, regular toys and toys for adults. I can adapt the guide for almost any target audience – professionals, laymen or even dummies!
Application User Help
Preparation of readable user help for your software can be a big challenge, especially if your team consists especially of developers and technically skilled people without proper language abilities. I can provide complete analysis and creation of user help files for your application from scratch or just revise existing texts and make them readable for your target users.
Software UI texts (Application strings)
Creating and revising texts of application user interface is one of the crucial tasks that must be done properly in advance, i.e. before the preparation of user guide or application help files, as these two subjects are closely connected together through content and references. I provide analysis of current software UI look and suggest changes, revisions or creation of such texts completely from scratch.
Making application texts readable for general public is one of the efforts that should be invested into, as otherwise such application looks unprofessional and will discourage potential customers.
Search Engine Friendly Website Texts
Improving visibility of your website is the key to your visitors and to proper conversions. I produce customized website texts optimized for search engines using the right structure and keywords. Although SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is partly dependable also on the publishing system used for your website, the right text is always the key to your success.
Product Descriptions
Making product descriptions readable is crucial for any electronic shop or e-commerce site. What’s more important – typo-free texts! By having a text without any typing errors brings you significantly more customers, especially in this Internet online era.